The important role of rail freight logistics
Western Australia’s freight rail network connects primary industries located in regional areas with industrial processing hubs, the Fremantle Inner and Kwinana Outer Harbours and the east coast of Australia. This critical infrastructure also supports around 20% of shipping containers that move through the Inner Harbour in Fremantle being transported on the rail network, the highest mode share in Australia.
A new container terminal in Kwinana presents opportunities to increase the proportion of containers moved by rail even more, thereby reducing truck movements.
With this objective in mind, Westport progressing work with the Department of Transport, the Public Transport, and the rail manager to assess rail improvements to increase efficiencies for rail freight to service the new terminal and existing industrial facilities in Kwinana.
While both road and rail are needed to move Western Australia's large container freight task, using rail where appropriate, is safer and more environmentally friendly and helps reduce truck volumes on metropolitan roads. The WA Government is committed to increasing freight on rail.
Going forward, Westport will be refining terminal and transport network design options through the Supply Chain Integrated Design Project (SCID). SCID will consider how the freight task is shared between road and rail networks in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Throughout planning Westport will engage with industry to find new and innovative ways to encourage and support improvements to make our freight supply chain as efficient, safe, and effective as possible.