Preferred design
In November 2023, Westport announced a preferred design for WA’s future container supply chain, which includes a new port in Kwinana supported by an upgraded road and rail freight network and logistics hub.
The preferred design includes upgrades to the existing freight rail network between Kwinana and Cockburn, connecting the port with a logistic hub in Kenwick, Kewdale, and Forrestfield.
The important role of rail freight logistics
Western Australia’s freight rail network connects primary industries in regional areas with industrial processing hubs, the Fremantle Inner and Kwinana Outer Harbours, and the east coast of Australia.
Freight rail currently moves around 20% of shipping containers through the Inner Harbour in Fremantle, the highest mode share in Australia. A new terminal in Kwinana presents opportunities to support WA’s future growth and increase the percentage of containers moved by rail.
With this objective in mind, Westport is working with the Department of Transport to assess how freight rail can service the new terminal and existing industrial facilities in Kwinana.
Westport is considering how the freight task can be shared between road and rail networks in the most efficient and cost-effective way. As this project continues, we will continue to engage with industry to find new and innovative ways to make our freight supply chain as efficient, safe, and resilient as possible.
An innovative approach
As part of Westport’s long-term, strategic planning approach we are investigating what new technologies and logistic trends may be on the horizon. This includes considering everything from hydrogen power to global changes in shipping logistics trends.
Designing an efficient, world-leading, and sustainable terminal and supply chain is key to the success of the Westport Program. To help achieve this goal we are building flexibility into our design and fostering innovation in our team and with stakeholders.
Landside Logistics Opportunities Study (LLOS)
As part of taking a supply chain system design approach to planning the new terminal, Westport completed the Landside Logistics Opportunities Study.
This study considered how containers could be moved to and from the new terminal to deliver a modern solution that can serve WA’s long term freight needs over the next 50 years.
The aim of the study was to shortlist landside supply chain network options. This included road and rail corridors, intermodal terminals (IMTs), associated infrastructure, and land for the development of complementary land uses.
Read the LLOS fact sheet here.