WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program - Project Status
All WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program reports are being published following a rigorous peer review process. Remaining reports are on-track to be completed by the end of 2024 and made publicly available by early 2025.
Theme |
Project |
Research Lead(s) |
Status |
Influence of research on Westport |
1.1 Integrated Ecosystem Modelling platform |
Matt Hipsey, The University of Western Australia |
Under review. |
Integrating broad program deliverables into a shared ecosystem modelling platform to support project assessment and long-term ecosystem management within Cockburn Sound. |
1.2 Pathways to productivity: Development of a water quality response model for Cockburn Sound |
Matt Hipsey, The University of Western Australia |
Project underway. Modelling platform has been established and is being validated, with data from other themes being added as available. |
A state-of-the-art model of Cockburn Sound that integrates complex physical, chemical, and biological dynamics, over a range of time and spatial scales, to address environmental assessment requirements. |
1.3 Using conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative ecosystem models to characterise the trophic structure, ecosystem attributes and functioning of Cockburn Sound |
Hector Lozano-Montes, Murdoch University Neil Loneragan, Murdoch University |
A series of conceptual, qualitative and quantitative Cockburn Sound ecosystem models to explore solutions for current and future risks, and understand ecological flow-on effects from development. |
2.1 Benthic habitat mapping |
Renae Hovey, The University of Western Australia Kieryn Kilminster, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation |
Project underway. Preliminary benthic habitat mapping undertaken and provided to support referral. Further ground truthing and analysis underway.
Increasing our understanding of the presence and distribution of benthic habitats in the region.
2.2 Pressure-response relationships, building resilience and future proofing seagrass meadows |
Kathryn McMahon, Edith Cowan University Simone Strydom, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions |
Project underway with case study published. |
Improving our understanding of the resilience and responses of seagrass to environmental pressures (including dredging and sea temperature increases). |
2.3 Seagrass restoration program |
Gary Kendrick, The University of Western Australia Jennifer Verduin, Murdoch University |
Project underway and experiments ongoing. Initial review published (Published report). Westport’s summary of this published review is available here. |
Developing a roadmap and guidelines for potential future seagrass restoration activities associated with Westport that can be implemented successfully, and at scale. |
2.4 Benthic communities in soft-sediment and hard substrates: baseline data, pressure-response relationships of key biota for EIA, and mitigation strategies for artificial reefs |
Glenn Hyndes, Edith Cowan University James Tweedley, Murdoch University |
Project underway. Two seasons of benthic surveys undertaken. Pressure-response and artificial reefs experiments ongoing. |
Investigating the presence and distribution of benthic invertebrates within the project area Westport to better understand the potential indirect impacts of dredging. |
2.4 Investigation of material preference and the role of ‘green walls’ in inhibiting the establishment of invasive marine species on port infrastructure |
Glenn Hyndes, Edith Cowan University James Tweedley, Murdoch University |
Project scoped to accommodate components of the cancelled Project 4.6. Project set to commence Q1 2024. |
Additional study scoped to mitigate the cancellation of Project 4.6 and support informed environmental management of potential invasive marine species within Cockburn Sound. |
3.1 Water and sediment quality monitoring |
Krzysztof Wienczugow, Marine and Freshwater Research Laboratory |
Sediment sampling, analysis and reporting completed (published report). Water quality surveys ongoing. |
Developing a contemporary baseline understanding of seawater and sediment quality, to benchmark potential changes associated with dredging and the broader project.
3.2 Processes governing nutrient and contaminant cycling in Cockburn Sound |
n/a |
Project cancelled. Components of the scope have been added to Project 3.4 and 3.5. |
The expanded findings from Projects 3.4 and 3.5 will improve our understanding of how processes affecting nutrient and contaminant cycling affect benthic habitats, including seagrass, in Cockburn Sound to inform port development and management. |
3.3 Elements of the groundwater/surface water flux into Cockburn Sound |
Michael Donn, CSIRO |
Project underway. Initial review of surface water flows completed and published (Published report). Westport’s summary of this initial review is now available here.
Groundwater and borehole sampling is ongoing. |
Developing a comprehensive understanding of surface water nutrient flux into Cockburn Sound to inform environmental management. Will be included in the Public Environmental Review (PER) documentation, for Westport’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). |
3.4 Sediment sulphides, oxygen flux and seagrass health |
Gary Kendrick, The University of Western Australia
Project underway, with experiments commenced. Project scoped to include aspects of the cancelled Project 3.2. |
Determining the thresholds of sulphide intrusion in Cockburn Sound seagrasses, and how seagrass is influenced by changes in environmental conditions (ie, sediment grain size, light), to inform port development and management. |
3.5 Cockburn Sound Benthic Nutrient Flux Dynamics |
Matt Hipsey, The University of Western Australia |
Project being scoped. Proposed to commence in Q1 2024. |
Measuring benthic metabolism and nutrient flux rates in sediment types and areas of Cockburn Sound to calibrate a fine-scale sediment biogeochemistry model of oxygen metabolism and nutrient cycling. |
4.1 Snapper connectivity and evaluation of juvenile stocking |
David Fairclough, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
Project underway. The second year (2022/23) of collection of genetic samples of snapper undertaken. Further sampling and analysis planned this year. |
Investigating the connectivity and relative contribution of spawning snapper in Cockburn Sound to the broader, lower west coast snapper stock. |
4.2.1 Spatial distribution and temporal variability in life stages of key fish species in Cockburn Sound |
Danielle Johnston, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
Project underway. Two years of field work has been completed to date with further sampling planned. |
Describing the spatio-temporal patterns of key species, including snapper, in Cockburn Sound and Owen Anchorage to determine the sensitive/critical time periods and life-stages and inform dredging controls. |
4.2.2 Zooplankton in Cockburn Sound |
Jennifer McIlwain, Curtin University |
Project underway. Field sampling complete. |
Compiling an updated and contemporary baseline of the spatial and temporal patterns of zoo-and- ichthyoplankton (e.g., early life stages of key species) assemblages and micronekton in Cockburn Sound. |
4.2.3 Trophic pathways and food web structure |
Glenn Hyndes, Edith Cowan University James Tweedley, Murdoch University |
Project underway. Field sampling and experimental analysis complete. Final reporting underway. |
Investigating the diets of key fisheries species (e.g., snapper, blue swimmer crabs, whiting) and identifying trophic pathways from production, ie phytoplankton through to apex predators, dolphins. |
4.3 Investigating effects of climate change on biota in Cockburn Sound |
Nick Caputi, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Neil Loneragan, Murdoch University |
Study finalised. Final reporting underway. |
Documenting historic environmental and biological trends to improve our understanding of the factors affecting the marine biota in Cockburn Sound. |
4.4 Effects of total suspended sediments on key fish species |
Euan Harvey, Curtin University Stephen Newman, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
Report published - review and management strategies. Project underway; however, some aspects of the study are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances with experiments. |
Investigating the potential impact of suspended sediment from dredging activities on fish species to determine key environmental thresholds for the dredging program. |
4.6 Investigating effect of Westport Development on invasive species risks |
Chad Hewitt, Murdoch University Justin McDonald, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
Project cancelled (elements of this project have been incorporated into Projects 2.4 and 4.7. |
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4.7 Marine invasive species literature review |
Dr Fred Wells, Curtin University |
Study finalised. Report published. |
Project 4.6 is developing a comprehensive understanding of the current state and distribution of introduced marine species in Cockburn Sound. |
5.1 Hydrodynamic modelling |
Chari Pattiaratchi, The University of Western Australia |
Study finalised. Final reporting underway. |
Providing the oceanographic basis for the TUFLOW modelling platform to predict suspended sediment distribution from the dredging.
5.2 Wave modelling |
Chari Pattiaratchi, The University of Western Australia |
Study finalised. Final reporting underway. |
This project is assessing the current and predicted wave climate within Cockburn sound. |
6.1 Community values for changes in environmental condition |
Michael Burton, The University of Western Australia |
Study finalised. Final reporting underway. |
Project 6.1 is assessing how Perth community’s values associated with marine environmental assets in Cockburn Sound that may be affected by a port development. |
6.2 Opportunities and impacts for recreational fishing from the Westport development |
Matthew Navarro, The University of Western Australia Clara Obregón, Murdoch University |
Project underway. Further analysis being undertaken. |
This project will investigate the potential impacts and opportunities for recreational fishing associated with the Westport development. |
6.3 Recreation, amenity, and aesthetic values |
Michael Hughes, Murdoch University |
Study finalised. Report published. |
Mapping non-fishing recreational use activities and associated values will provide Westport with information on how Cockburn Sound is used and valued through a broad range of activities. |
6.4 Benefit-cost framework for environmental port design features |
Abbie Rogers, The University of Western Australia
Project underway. Analysis and reporting continuing. |
This project will develop a benefit‐cost analysis (BCA) framework to enable economic evaluation of environmental design options – and associated social outcomes - of the port development. |
7.1 Baseline soundscape, sound sources and transmission |
Christine Erbe, Curtin University |
Project underway. Analysis and reporting continuing. |
Expanding our understanding on the contemporary baseline level of underwater noise in the project area to create a benchmark for noise created by the project development and operations. |
7.2 Hearing sensitivity of Australian sea lions, little penguins, and fish |
Christine Erbe, Curtin University |
Project underway. Analysis and reporting continuing. |
Investigate the sensitivity of key species to underwater noise contextualise the noise associated with the construction of Westport.
7.3 Behavioural fish audiogram (snapper and another species) |
Miles Parsons, Australian Institute of Marine Science |
Project delayed due to unforeseen circumstances with experiments. |
Investigating the sensitivity of key fish species to underwater noise to help Westport contextualise any noise associated with construction. |
8.1 Determining the diet, causes of mortality, foraging habitat and home range of little penguins
Belinda Cannell, The University of Western Australia |
Initial report complete and published. (Published report). Westport’s summary of this initial report is now available here.
Further analysis of prey stable isotope data ongoing.
Outlines the potential risks from dredging on Little Penguins and potential strategies to mitigate impacts. The study will be included in the PER documentation, as part of Westport’s EIA. |
8.2 Australian sea lions in the Perth Metropolitan area (abundance; movement, habitat use and diet) |
Chandra Salgado-Kent, Edith Cowan University Kelly Waples, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions |
Project underway. Analysis and reporting continuing. |
Gaining greater knowledge of Australian Sea Lion abundance and habitat use in Cockburn Sound and metropolitan Perth, to determine any impacts from port development and activity. |
8.3 Spatio-temporal distribution of key habitat-uses and key prey species for Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Owen Anchorage and Cockburn Sound, including a fine-scale understanding of the use of the habitats in the Kwinana Shelf |
Delphine Chabanne, Murdoch University |
Initial report complete and published (Published report). Westport’s summary of this initial report is now available here.
Analysis of contemporary data currently being undertaken. |
The study provides valuable insights into the distribution of dolphins in Owen Anchorage and Cockburn Sound. |
8.4 Spatio-temporal distribution of syngnathids in Cockburn Sound |
Glenn Moore, Western Australian Museum |
Project underway. |
Providing greater knowledge of the distribution and abundance of iconic and threatened syngnathid fishes (seahorses, pipefishes, and sea dragons) within Cockburn Sound to assess potential risks. |
9.1 Coastal processes and sediment movement in Cockburn Sound and Owen Anchorage |
Jeff Hansen, The University of Western Australia |
Project underway. Analysis and reporting continuing.
Quarterly bathymetric and topographic surveys underway. In situ field deployments of sediment transport instruments ongoing.
Development of a detailed historical record of shoreline positions in Cockburn Sound and Owen Anchorage has been completed. |
This project will improve Westport’s understanding of natural sand transport pathways and coastal process within the region. |