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Environmental, Social and Governance

Westport's ESG vision is to plan, build and operate Australia's most sustainable and first regenerative port.

ESG Vision: Plan, build and operate Australia's most sustainable and first regenerative port

Westport is striving to design a port and supply chain that, once operational, delivers net positive environmental, social and economic benefits to Western Australian communities, consumers and businesses. 

To guide Westport’s approach to achieving Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) objectives in Stage 3 ‘Business Case and Definition Design’ (2022 – 2024), Westport has released its ESG Strategy 

Taking an honest and transparent approach to the challenges Westport presents is fundamental to the ESG Strategy. By thinking more broadly about solutions to these challenges, we aim to regenerate, repair, and reconnect environments and community assets. 

In the Strategy, Westport commits to deliver positive long-term benefits for the natural and physical environment, create opportunities for social advancement, and make decisions which benefit Western Australians with strong, transparent governance and reporting.   

Key objectives outlined in the Strategy include improved environmental outcomes underpinned by a Working with Nature approach, a net zero port and supply chain by 2050, as well as a circular economy focused reducing, reusing, and recovery during construction. 

The Strategy builds upon Westport’s previous work and aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as well key State Policies, including Supporting Continuous Improvement in ESG Outcomes for Western Australia. 

  • Westport ESG Strategy

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  • Westport Environmental, Social And Governance (ESG) Action Plan

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  • Westport ESG Strategy Actions Report (January – July 2023)

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  • Westport ESG Strategy Actions Report August 2023 – January 2024

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