Westport's Timeline
Stage 1 and Stage 2: Westport Independent Taskforce (2017 - 2020)
The Westport Taskforce (Stage 2) was established in 2017 to identify the preferred location for Perth’s future container port. In Stage 2, Westport explored 25 options for port locations and supply chain scenarios across Fremantle, Bunbury, and Kwinana.
After extensive engagement and consideration, Kwinana was identified as the preferred location in August 2020. Learn more in the Westport: Future port recommendations Stage 2 report.
Stage 3: Westport Program (2022 to 2024)
Now in Stage 3, Westport has been developing marine and landside supply chain options.
In November 2023, Westport announced a preferred design for WA’s future container supply chain, which includes a new port in Kwinana supported by an upgraded road and rail freight network and logistics hub.
Westport is progressing the preferred design as part of our business case, which will deliver recommendations for the port and supply chain, development timings to Government in mid-2024.
Planning for a new container terminal has been ongoing for a number of years, with modelling consistently showing Fremantle Port and its surrounding roads will reach capacity within the next two decades.
As part of the business case, Westport will advise the Government on when and how trade will move from the Fremantle Inner Harbour to the Kwinana Outer Harbour.
This will include reviewing all the businesses established around a port, that directly or indirectly support its operations, to ensure as smooth a transition as possible, while keeping trade moving in the process.
The preferred design of the container terminal will allow it to cater to larger ships than the existing Fremantle terminal and incorporates redevelopment of the ageing Kwinana Bulk Terminal jetty.