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Preferred Design

Westport's preferred design for a new port in Kwinana supported by an upgraded road and rail freight network and logistics hub.

Westport's Preferred Design

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Flythrough of Westport's Preferred Design

We have identified a preferred design for WA’s future container supply chain, which includes a new port in Kwinana supported by an upgraded road and rail freight network and logistics hub.

The design includes:

  • A new port in Kwinana between the end of Barter Road and the end of Mason Road.
  • A new freight corridor along Anketell Road and Thomas Road.
  • Road upgrades along Anketell Road, Kwinana Freeway, and Roe Highway. Ultimately, the Anketell-Thomas Road Freight Corridor will connect the port with Tonkin Highway in Byford.
  • Upgrades to the existing freight rail network between Kwinana and Cockburn, connecting the port with a logistic hub in Kenwick, Kewdale, and Forrestfield.
  • A new shipping channel to accommodate larger ships expected in the future.

The preferred design will provide a modern and efficient port and freight network to future proof trade in WA, enhancing Kwinana’s status as a world-class industrial hub, and minimising environmental impacts to support the long-term health of Cockburn Sound.

The process for identifying the best design for the port

Between 2018 and 2020, the previous ‘Westport Taskforce’ looked at 25 different locations between Fremantle, Cockburn Sound and Bunbury for the new container port. This led to the Kwinana Industrial Area as the best location for a new port, serviced by an upgraded Anketell Road.

In 2021, after undertaking a range of additional studies on operational and sustainability needs, Westport identified a long-list of 7 port design options.

This long-list was narrowed to a short-list of 3 options using a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) process. The MCA considered environmental impacts, long-term sustainability, efficiency of the supply chain and port, and financial value. Assessment criteria used in the MCA were based on Westport’s goals and subgoals, with scoring criteria and measures.

As part of the evaluation process, Westport also held a series of specialist stakeholder workshops, who helped to identify gaps in the assessment criteria, evaluate the goal weightings, and provide general feedback.

Of the 3 options, the design known as Option G was identified as the best design for the new port.

It performed best in terms of environmental outcomes and avoiding impacts to critical utility infrastructure located within the precinct. On criteria where the alternative options performed better than the preferred design, the difference was immaterial, or was significantly detrimental to environmental outcomes.


Process for determining the landside options

In 2022, through the Landside Logistics Opportunities Study, Westport identified 3 network options for the freight and logistics network. The options included a combination of existing and new intermodal terminals (IMTs) to be established, as required by growing demand. In total, 8 IMT options were identified across the 3 network options. 

Through the MCA process and targeted stakeholder engagement these options were further tested and refined to reach a preferred option for the supply chain, including road and rail corridors, and intermodal terminals.

Taking into consideration the forecast traffic growth, the preferred design proposes upgrades to Anketell Road, Kwinana Freeway, and Roe Highway. This will be followed by the full development of the Anketell Thomas Corridor to follow.

In order to ensure a high rail share for containers, the preferred design includes rail duplication and level crossing removals between the port terminal and Cockburn Triangle.

Inputs into design

Transport and trade modelling
Marine and terrestrial investigations
Port operations modelling

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