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Environmental Impact Assessment

An overview of the environmental regulatory process for Westport.

Westport must secure environmental approvals under both the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) (EP Act) and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act) before construction of the port can commence. 

Environmental impacts associated with the port will be made publicly available and assessed by the State and Commonwealth regulators. This process is expected to take 2-3 years from referral and will involve opportunities for public comment.

Westport’s assessments

There are two separate environmental assessment processes as part of Westport for:

  1. The maritime infrastructure including shipping channels, breakwater and port facility, and land side infrastructure within the Kwinana Industrial Area.
  2. Anketell Road from Kwinana Freeway to the Kwinana Industrial Area.

Main Roads WA will manage the environmental assessment process for Anketell Road.

Information on this page relates to the Westport environmental assessment process for the maritime infrastructure.

State Process (The EP Act assessment process)
Commonwealth Process (The EPBC Act assessment process)
Community opportunities to be involved and provide feedback
  • Environmental Approval Processes for Westport’s Maritime (Port) Infrastructure Fact Sheet

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