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Fishing and Recreation

Westport will support long-term recreation in Cockburn Sound and work with community to ensure this development is done right.

Cockburn Sound is an important ecosystem and place of recreation for Western Australians.

The Sound is used for a wide range of activities, including fishing, boating, sailing, kayaking, diving, windsurfing and kite boarding, as well as running, walking and general leisure.

Westport is committed to delivering the most sustainable port in Australia.

This means we are planning to support and improve the long-term health of Cockburn Sound for recreational users to enjoy for generations to come.

A $13.5 million marine research program is underway, involving around 150 scientists and researchers working across 33 projects, managed by the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI).

One of the projects is exploring how the community values Cockburn Sound.

This research, along with community and stakeholder engagement, is allowing Westport to understand what is important to the community and identify opportunities to create long term social benefits.

Westport is a long-term project, and we are still in the early stages. There will be many opportunities for engagement over the coming years.

If you have a question, you can:

Recreational access to Cockburn Sound
Supporting fish stocks
Sailing in and around Cockburn Sound
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Westport Seagrass Planning and Management Fact Sheet

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  • Westport Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process Fact Sheet

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