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WAMSI Marine Science Program

The State Government has allocated $13.5 million to fill knowledge gaps of Cockburn Sound’s unique marine environment

22 September 2021

We are excited to announce the State Government has allocated $13.5 million to fill knowledge gaps of Cockburn Sound’s unique marine environment.

Westport has partnered with the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) to undertake 30 comprehensive marine science studies over the next three years.

The research will improve our understanding of Cockburn Sound and increase the Westport Program's capacity to avoid, mitigate and offset environmental impacts.

The program will employ around 100 scientists and technical staff to undertake research into seagrass health and restoration, water circulation and quality, potential pathways of impact on marine fauna, key ecological and biological processes, and social values research and protection strategies.

Comprising of 11 partners, WAMSI is an independent collaboration of State, Federal and academic organisations, and represents the full capacity of marine science expertise in WA.

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