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Westport Update November

Westport project update for November 2023

29 November 2023

The preferred design for the new Kwinana port and supply chain

Over the past 2 years, Westport considered 30 different design options for a new container port in Kwinana. We’ve also looked at the future freight network needed to connect the port with WA, and the best strategic locations where containers can be transferred from one transport mode to another (for example, from a train to a truck).Today we have reached a significant planning milestone – the release of our preferred design.

The design includes:

  • A new port in Kwinana between the end of Barter Road and the end of Mason Road.
  • A new freight corridor along Anketell Road and Thomas Road.
  • Road upgrades along Anketell Road, Kwinana Freeway and Roe Highway. Ultimately, the Anketell-Thomas Road Freight Corridor will connect the port with Tonkin Highway in Byford.
  • Upgrades to the existing freight rail network between Kwinana and Cockburn, connecting the port with a logistic hub in Kenwick, Kewdale, and Forrestfield.
  • A new shipping channel to accommodate larger ships expected in the future.

The preferred design will provide a modern and efficient port and freight network to future proof trade in WA, enhancing Kwinana’s status as a world-class industrial hub, and minimising environmental impacts to support the long-term health of Cockburn Sound.

Learn more about the recommended design here

Who’s been involved?

The Westport journey has involved extensive collaboration with industry, community, government, world-leading engineers, Traditional Owners, marine and environmental scientists, and experts in sustainability and transport planning, to develop the best design for WA.

Given the importance of Cockburn Sound, we partnered with the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), investing $13.5 million in environmental research to shape the design process, and identify ways to protect, preserve and improve the marine ecosystem.

We’d like to thank everyone involved in the Westport journey to date. We look forward to more engagement in 2024 as we continue to refine the preferred design for inclusion in a business case.  

Westport’s Community Survey - What we’ve heard so far

Thank you to everyone who has participated in Westport’s Community Survey to date. Your feedback is helping us address the things you care about most. Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve found so far:

  • People are most interested in the environment, the Anketell-Thomas Road Freight Corridor, and the proposed redevelopment of Fremantle Port.
  • Around 60% of participants think that Westport is very important to WA’s future.
  • Email newsletters is the preferred way participants want to hear from Westport.

If you haven’t already, we’d really appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete our Community Survey.

Westport roundtable for Recreational Groups of Cockburn Sound

Thank you to everyone who attended Westport’s recent roundtable for recreational groups of Cockburn Sound. We had representatives from sailing, power boats, fishing, scuba diving, stand-up paddling and birdlife conservation clubs and organisations attend the session. Attendees had the chance to chat to our environment team and ask questions about Westport.

If you are a recreational user, group, or club that user Cockburn Sound, and are interested in future opportunities to engage with Westport, please contact us via

High tech instruments collecting data underwater

As part of Westport’s $13.5 million partnership with the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), researchers are collecting data to help us better understand Cockburn Sound.

Wave, current, sonar and camera equipment has been deployed underwater to allow researchers to track sediment flow in and around Cockburn Sound. Using a suite of high-tech instruments, researchers are measuring waves, currents, and sediment transport to improve our understanding of how and where sediment moves.

Read about this project in the latest WAMSI Highlights Brochure.

Future of Fremantle

With Westport progressing plans for a new container port in the Kwinana Outer Harbour, the Future of Fremantle project is considering the long-term redevelopment of the Inner Harbour port precinct.

The project is a rare aspirational opportunity to identify the possibilities that could be achieved through the potential future redevelopment of the Fremantle | Walyalup Inner Harbour precinct.

Future of Fremantle recently released a project vison and three economic and land use scenarios for public comment. The scenarios explore different ideas to transform the precinct over the next 50 years.

To find out more about the emerging vision and three scenarios, and to have your say, visit

For more information on the Future of Fremantle project, visit

What's next for Westport?

Westport is now progressing the preferred design as part of our business case, which will deliver recommendations for the port, supply chain, and development timings to Government in mid-2024.

The Westport project will require environmental approvals by both State and Commonwealth regulators. This process will happen in two phases: referral and assessment. In both phases, our documentation will be made public and there will be opportunities for public input.

Referral is anticipated for early 2024 which will determine the level of assessment required. The assessment phase would likely occur sometime in 2025 after consideration of the Business Case. 

We look forward to ongoing engagement with the community and industry as the
design progresses.

Want more detailed information?

Our Navigate newsletter dives deeper into the details of Westport, exploring the breadth of the project and looking at the science, technology, and industry engagement behind it. Read it here.

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To stay updated with the latest Westport news, including announcements on design options, environmental assessment, and engagement opportunities make sure to subscribe to updates! 

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