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Westport Community Update April 2024

Catch-up on the latest Westport news in our April community update

03 May 2024

Westport Community Update 

Environmental impact assessment underway 

In March we referred the proposed marine and landside port infrastructure to the WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). This marked the start of the environmental impact assessment process,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the EPA’s public comment process. The Referral stage of the assessment is now complete.

As expected, the EPA determined that Westport’s proposal will undergo the highest level of assessment, Public Environmental Review. This includes an 8-week public comment period expected in 2025.  

What’s next?

We are now drafting the Environmental Scoping Document, to specify the form, content, indicative timing, and procedure of the Public Environmental Review process.  

The EPA will publish this scoping document for a 2-week public comment period, expected in 2024.   

Following approval of the scoping document, Westport will prepare the documentation required for the Public Environmental Review. This will outline the research, data and insights that underpin environmental impact assessment, including the final reports from the $13.5 million Westport-WAMSI Marine Science Program. 

We will continue to keep you updated about all upcoming consultation opportunities as the environmental impact assessment process continues.   

For more information about the process, including a short video, visit Westport's website.

Westport community survey

Thank you to everyone who’s submitted a response to the Westport Community Survey. Your submissions are helping us better understand what matters to you.  

The survey is open until 31 May, so make sure you have your say!

We will release a report on the findings in mid-2024 and holding an online webinar next month to answer the most frequently asked questions.

Horse beach survey

We're calling for anyone who uses the Naval Base horse beach in Kwinana to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us better understand how you use the area and other horse beaches across Perth.

Complete the survey here before 31 May.  

Westport Seagrass Planning and Management

Seagrass has been one of the most important topics in our conversations with the community. It's also a key environmental factor that will be considered as part of the EPA’s Public Environmental Review process.

Seagrass is the underwater equivalent of a forest. Growing in ‘meadows’, seagrass is critical to the underwater eco-system, providing habitat for fish, improving water quality and storing carbon. Healthy seagrass is essential for healthy oceans.

The proposed Westport marine infrastructure avoids existing seagrass meadows in Cockburn Sound, and also avoids about 98.5% of the total seagrass across the neighbouring marine zones. 

Our approach to seagrass planning and management follows 3 steps:

  • Avoiding seagrass habitat where possible through the port design process. E.g., extensive benthic habitat mapping produced through the WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program resulted in moving the port footprint away from existing seagrass meadows.
  • Minimising and managing impacts to seagrassduring port development. This will include water quality monitoring during dredging to maintain conditions for healthy seagrass.
  • Restoring seagrass before and after development to support habitats. This activity will aim to significantly increase overall seagrass habitat in Cockburn Sound, improving on the current, pre-development status.

To learn more about how Westport is managing seagrass view our fact sheet

Fishing in Cockburn Sound 

Westport is planning for the relocation of container trade from Fremantle to new port facilities in the Kwinana Outer Harbour, which adjoins the Kwinana Industrial Area. 

The Outer Harbour is accessed via Cockburn Sound, a highly valued marine environment, particularly among recreational fishers. Cockburn Sound is home to many key recreational fishing species including pink snapper, blue swimmer crabs and whiting.  

Westport will be planning for a substantial environmental restoration program with the aim of maintaining and improving the health of the marine ecosystem, to support ongoing recreation in the Sound.  

Key to this is understanding Westport’s potential impacts through our continuing EIA process, receiving the latest marine science from the WAMSI studies.

In the coming months, we will be holding pop-up community information sessions at popular boat ramps to speak with people who fish in Cockburn Sound to provide more info and hear local perspectives.

Learn more about upcoming community events. 

Interested in future opportunities with Westport? 

On 14 May we are holding an online Consulting, Engineering and Construction Industry Briefing to provide information about the upcoming conclusion of the business case stage, and expectations for the definition and delivery stage. This session will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. 

To register for this industry webinar visit our website.

Check out our latest Navigate Newsletter

Topics explored in our technical Navigate newsletter include business case timing, environmental approvals, Westport’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Plan and more.

Read now.

Upcoming community events

We have a mix of online and in-person events planned for the coming months to provide opportunities for the community to learn more about Westport and speak to us directly.

For details about upcoming events visit our website.

Want to learn more?

You can follow us on Facebook or visit our website to find out the latest event news. If you have any questions, please email us via

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