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WA’s Foundational Infrastructure Strategy recognises Westport in 20-year vision

Infrastructure WA’s 20-year vision for our State has highlighted the importance of planning for Westport.

03 August 2022

Released today, the Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow Infrastructure Strategy outlines the importance of planning for Westport in a 20-year vision for our State.

Westport is a rare opportunity to plan for the next century of efficient freight trade and support WA’s future economic growth. Develop by independent State body Infrastructure WA, the report recognises that “the development of a new metropolitan container port is a significant undertaking that will have major implications for WA.”

Work is now underway for a business case to develop a new container terminal in the Kwinana Outer Harbour, which would bring significant benefits for individuals, communities, businesses, and industries across Western Australia. Guided by our goals, Westport is planning for a new terminal and integrated road/rail network that will ensure we continue to receive and trade the goods we need and want.

Westport also provides an opportunity for WA to lead Australia is sustainable and innovative port design. It is our goal to plan, build and operate the most sustainable port in Australia.

The Strategy noted the role of Westport in the State’s broader strategic vision, outlining complementing activities in Recommendation 66, and stating that the project will require “significant coordination across government.” With this in mind, Westport will continue to work closely with the teams behind the Western Trade Coast’s Advanced Global Manufacturing Hub and the Future of Fremantle project to ensure strategic alignment.

Read the full report: State Infrastructure Strategy | Infrastructure WA

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