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Stakeholder engagement for the Landside Logistics Opportunity Study

Westport is working with key stakeholders to identify the ways we can maximise the freight and supply chain when container trade moves from Fremantle’s Inner Harbour to the future terminal in Kwinana’s Outer Harbour.

02 March 2022

Westport is working with key stakeholders to identify the ways we can maximise the freight and supply chain when container trade moves from Fremantle’s Inner Harbour to the future terminal in Kwinana’s Outer Harbour.

A key part of this is to consider how goods can move as efficiently as possible on land between the new terminal and its origin or ultimate destination. Westport’s Landside Logistics Opportunity Study will identify and recommend a shortlist of conceptual designs for the supply chain. Among a range of considerations the study will look includes an improved rail freight network and a safe and efficient freight corridor.

Insight from stakeholders is critical for this piece of work and two key groups met last month and discussed with us the Landside Logistics Opportunity Study.

The Local Government Authority Reference Group and the Industry Reference Group had their inaugural meetings in February. Westport staff working on the Landside Logistics Opportunity Study discussed with them the ways new technologies, innovative solutions and other opportunities could improve the way we move freight to make it more efficient, reliable and safe. The groups will continue to meet quarterly as important part of our collaboration with business and industry.

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