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Issue 11: Perth’s future port
The location and footprint design for Western Australia’s next primary container port, and Westport’s next steps
01 August 2020
Read the full update here:
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News 01 August 2020
Improving safety and capacity of our freight rail network
By moving container trade to the Kwinana Outer Harbour, preliminary modelling suggests we can increase the number of containers on rail from 20% to 30%.
News 01 August 2020
Why not Freo?
Fremantle Port has served WA very well for the past 100 years and continues to operate effectively today. However, longer-term, Fremantle Port is too small and in the wrong location to support WA’s container trade for another 100 years.
News 01 August 2020
Consultation on Westport’s Environmental Scoping Document
Following a two-week public comment period in November 2024, the WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has now reviewed and approved Westport’s Environmental Scoping Document.