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Infrastructure WA endorses Westport Stage 2 submission

Westport’s Stage 2 submission has progressed to Infrastructure Australia, following endorsement from the board of Infrastructure WA

12 July 2022

Infrastructure WA endorses Westport Stage 2 submission

The Westport team is excited to announce Westport’s Stage 2 submission has progressed to Infrastructure Australia, an independent infrastructure advisory body, for evaluation following endorsement from the board of Infrastructure WA.

After wrapping up Westport Independent Taskforce’s Stage 2 Report in 2020 and moving into the next stage of works (Westport’s Stage 3 Program), the team produced a detailed document for Infrastructure Australia’s evaluation. A huge amount of work went into the Stage 2 options assessment process which identified the Kwinana Outer Harbour as the preferred location for a new container terminal and logistics network.

At the end of Westport Stage 3 a detailed business case will be submitted to Infrastructure Australia, which will provide recommendations to Government for a decision on the future development of a new terminal and logistics network. This will include Westport’s findings on what trades should transition to the Kwinana Outer Harbour, when this should happen, and a high-level design concept for the terminal and logistics network.

Westport is committed to Infrastructure Australia’s framework and rigorous evaluation process to ensure that we delivery value-for-money and provide benefit to the community.

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