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Improving safety and capacity of our freight rail network

By moving container trade to the Kwinana Outer Harbour, preliminary modelling suggests we can increase the number of containers on rail from 20% to 30%.

27 March 2025

Freight rail is the safest and most efficient way to transport containers. Freight rail currently moves around 20% of shipping containers in and out of the Fremantle Inner Harbour, the highest percentage of containers on rail in Australia.

However, because there are limited options to upgrade the single-line, Fremantle’s freight rail network will reach capacity by the mid-2030s.

By moving container trade to the Kwinana Outer Harbour, we have an opportunity to increase efficiencies. Preliminary modelling suggests we can increase the number of containers on rail from 20% to 30%.

Proposed upgrades to the freight rail network

Westport’s preferred design for the new port facilities in Kwinana and the container trade supply chain includes upgrades to the existing freight rail line between the Kwinana Industrial Area and Perth’s north-east logistics hub.

The freight rail upgrades include:

  • A new freight rail line connecting the future port facilities to the existing network east of Rockingham Road.
  • Duplicating approximately 8.4km of the freight rail line between Kwinana and the Cockburn Triangle, near Beeliar Drive in Cockburn.
  • Removing the road and pedestrian level crossings at the freight rail line intersections between Kwinana and Cockburn.
  • Removing the North Lake Road freight rail line level crossing.

Project timeframes

2025 - 2026

Procure a rail project design team


Rail project design team begins multi-year “definition stage” activities, including:

  • Community and stakeholder engagement
  • Geotechnical and environmental site investigations
  • Detailed engineering design and construction planning
  • Noise and vibration assessment
  • Determination of noise mitigation requirements

Late 2020s / early 2030s

Construction likely to commence following a final investment.

Late 2030s

New port and rail upgrades operational

Frequently Asked Questions

What increase in rail traffic would be anticipated when the port moves?

Preliminary modelling suggests we can increase the number of containers on rail from 20% to 30%. Based on trade forecasts this would result in an average increase of 1 train (round trip) per day when the new Kwinana port facilities commence operations in the late 2030s.

These numbers refer exclusively to containers and exclude other commodities transported by rail. The actual number of container trains could be influenced by several factors including train length, train destination and commercial decisions by freight operators. While preliminary planning has been completed, this will be further explored during project definition.

How will freight rail noise be managed?

Noise impacts are managed according to the Western Australian Planning Commission State Planning Policy 5.4 Road and Rail Noise.

Monitoring, modelling and identification of potential mitigation measures as well as community consultation will be undertaken during the definition planning stage to inform requirements under State Planning Policy 5.4.

How can I find out what's happening and have a say?

We look forward to engaging with the community about Westport’s freight rail upgrades. Community consultation will ramp up during the definition phase of the rail upgrades project commencing in 2026.

To register your interest and to complete our community engagement planning survey, please click here.  

In the meantime, if you have specific questions or would like to speak with us directly, please email

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