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Environmental Assessment Process Begins

Westport has referred the proposed marine and landside port infrastructure to the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

12 March 2024

Today the Deputy Premier announced that Westport has referred the proposed marine and landside port infrastructure to the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

The EPA will now determine the level of environmental assessment required for Westport

Given the significance of the project, the importance of Cockburn Sound, and the scale of the infrastructure, we are requesting the highest level of assessment - Public Environmental Review. 

The referral outlines the scope of Westport's proposal, which includes: 

  • Port facilities, comprising an area of reclaimed land in Cockburn Sound and connections to road and rail infrastructure in the Kwinana Industrial Area. 
  • A shipping channel into Cockburn Sound to accommodate larger container vessels expected in the future. 
  • An offshore breakwater required to protect ships berthed at the proposed terminal.

What happens next?

Referral is the first stage of the environmental assessment process. The EPA will make Westport’s referral document publicly available in the coming weeks for comment. 

Westport will notify subscribers when the EPA opens public comment on the level of assessment. 

During this public comment period, Westport will hold a community webinar to provide information and answer questions. 

Environmental Assessment is the most significant step in the process. This is expected to occur in 2025, and will publicly detail potential impacts and a proposed environmental restoration program.

We've put together a video and fact sheet to outline how the environmental assessment process is expected to unfold.

Road infrastructure referral 

Main Roads will submit a separate referral to the EPA for upgrading Anketell Road, from Leath Road to the Kwinana Freeway, to support freight requirements for the Western Trade Coast and the future port in Kwinana. 

For more information about the road referral, visit the Main Roads website.

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