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Federal EPBC public comment opens

The Federal Government has opened public comment on the level of assessment for Westport

01 July 2024

Federal Government opens public comment on level of assessment for Westport proposal

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is now calling for public comment on whether Westport’s proposal should be assessed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

To have your say and view referral documentation, visit the EPBC Act Public Portal.

The public comment period commenced on 28 June and closes on 12 July.

This announcement signals the first stage of assessment under the EPBC Act, which is Australia’s national environmental legislation.

In March 2024, Westport completed the state level referral process with the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) determining that Westport will undergo WA’s highest level of assessment – Public environmental review.

About the Federal environmental assessment

The EPBC Act assessment process includes 3 key decision stages:

  • Referral decisions – the Commonwealth environment minister decides if an ‘action’ (meaning project) is a controlled action, not a controlled action or is clearly unacceptable.
  • Assessment decisions – the Commonwealth environment minister decides how potential impacts of a controlled action will be assessed.
  • Approval decisions the Commonwealth environment minister decides whether to approve a controlled action and whether there are conditions to an approval.

Learn more.

About the State environmental assessment

In March 2024, Westport initiated WA’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process with referral of the proposed marine and landside port infrastructure to the EPA. Following public comment between 19 March and 25 March, the EPA determined that Westport will undergo a public environmental review.

Referral is only the first stage of the environmental impact assessment process.

Assessment is the most significant step in the process. Westport anticipates this will occur in 2025 and will publicly detail potential impacts and measures to avoid, minimise, and if necessary, offset impacts.

Learn more.

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