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WA's Port History

Kwinana has long been identified as the best location for WA’s major port.

Fremantle Inner Harbour

Fremantle is an important part of our history. Since 1897, the Fremantle Inner Harbour has been an important economic asset for Western Australia. It has serviced Perth and its surrounding region’s freight needs for more than 120 years.

Fremantle Port currently imports and exports around 800,000 containers annually, but this is expected to grow to more than three million containers over the next 50 years. Planning for a new container terminal has been ongoing for a number of years, with modelling consistently showing Fremantle Port and its surrounding roads will reach capacity within the next two decades.

The Future of Fremantle project follows the State Government’s proposal to relocate Fremantle’s port activities to Kwinana to meet Western Australia’s future freight needs.

The project is a rare aspirational opportunity to identify the possibilities that could be achieved through the potential future redevelopment of the Fremantle | Walyalup Inner Harbour precinct. To find out more about the emerging vision and three scenarios, and to have your say, visit the Future of Fremantle Consultation Hub.

Kwinana marks a new chapter for ports

Since the Stephenson-Hepburn Report in 1955, a long history of studies into possible new port locations in Perth have consistently found the Outer Harbour in Kwinana as the best option for new and extended port infrastructure. It’s already a heavy industrial area with a working port, has access to ten times more industrial land than Fremantle, and can accommodate more efficient and safer freight corridors.

Learn more about Westport's planning journey and timeframes.

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