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View the answers to some of Westport's most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Westport?
What stage is Westport at?
Where will the port be located?
What funding has been allocated to Westport?
What is the proposed cost of Westport?
Why was Kwinana chosen?
How will Westport mitigate impacts to Cockburn Sound?
Why don't we expand the current port in Fremantle?
When will the new port facilities be constructed?
Who will own Westport?
What will happen to non-container trades at Fremantle Port?
What will happen to Fremantle once container trade moves?
How will container trucks access the new port facilities?
How will upgrading the Kwinana Freeway reduce existing traffic congestion?
What are the planned rail upgrades?
What will happen to the freight rail currently operating between Fremantle and Cockburn?
Why is a new shipping channel needed?
How many container ships will visit the new port facilities?
What will happen to the Kwinana Bulk Terminal decommissioned jetty (KBB1) at the Naval Base beach?
How is Westport considering Aboriginal Heritage?
How can the community get involved?

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