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A new port in Kwinana

Planning for the next century of trade growth in WA

Discover Westport, WA's future container port and supply chain

Westport is the State Government’s planning program to move container trade from Fremantle to Kwinana. This includes planning new port facilities, a connected road and rail freight system, and logistics operations. 

  • Why Kwinana?

    As WA’s primary industrial area with a busy bulk freight port, Kwinana was identified as the preferred location for WA's new container port in 2020, with the opportunity to transform the area into a world-class industrial hub.

  • Preferred design

    Westport’s preferred design will future-proof WA’s container supply chain, proposing new port facilities in the Kwinana Outer Harbour, supported by road, rail, and logistics upgrades.

View the preferred design


We are working closely with local communities to understand what’s important to them and identify opportunities to create long-term social benefits as we plan for Westport. There will be many more opportunities for community to work with us as Westport progresses.

  • Events

    Listening to feedback from local communities, both in-person and online, is important as we plan how, and when, to move container trade from Fremantle to Kwinana.

  • Webinars

    Do you have questions about Westport? Our webinars are full of detailed information, from exploring the preferred design to the Environmental Impact Assessment process and much more.

Events, webinars and more

Industry and business

Engagement has been a critical part of Westport's planning process. Insights from industry, local businesses, communities, Aboriginal people and others have shaped the port design and planning, and this process is ongoing. 

  • Industry collaboration

    Westport is collaborating with industry and drawing on their experience and knowledge to ensure the new port facilities are fit for purpose and can adapt to future growth.

  • Opportunities

    As a long-term infrastructure program, WA businesses have opportunities to work with us as the program is delivered.

Our engagement approach

Marine science program

Westport has partnered with the independent Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) to deliver a three-year comprehensive research program. The findings have significantly influenced Westport's preferred design and ongoing planning, and are giving us the best understanding of Cockburn Sound we've ever had. 

  • Research projects

    There are 150 scientists and researchers working across 33 projects. These findings are informing our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and planning for future restoration and mitigation activities.

  • Science reports

    All completed research reports are published by WAMSI. Our report summaries outline the findings, and how Westport will use the science to inform the port design and planning.

About our WAMSI partnership

Connect with Westport